Over half of property investors undeterred by Brexit

Over half of property investors undeterred by Brexit

The prolonged Brexit bluster has numbed many people into submission and everyone is either waiting or stressing about what the future holds..
However, smart investors know which direction they are going and are perhaps taking advantage of the opportunities created by those who don’t want to risk the potential fall of the property market and are looking to take their profits now…

After another week of votes in Westminster, new research among more than 500 UK property investors by Market Financial Solutions has revealed just how Brexit is impacting their long-term investment strategies.

However, despite the uncertainty caused by the on-going Brexit talks, the majority of property investors have carried on with their financial strategies unperturbed, new research from Market Financial Solutions revealed.

The survey found:

  • Since the EU referendum in June 2016, 64% of investors have not let Brexit impact their property investment decisions;
  • 45% of investors have expanded their property portfolio since the EU referendum;
  • Only 7% have sold one or more homes as a direct result of Brexit;
  • 57% do not envisage their property investment strategy changing following the Brexit deadline;

The research also revealed that the majority of investors do not see Brexit affecting their long-term strategies. More than half (57%) of respondents say they will not change their property investment strategies following the Brexit deadline.

In fact, 45% said they had bought at least one more property since 23rd June 2016, with only 7% stating they had sold one or more real estate assets as a direct result of Brexit.

Paresh Raja, CEO of MFS, commented on the findings: “There is a sense of Brexit-fatigue setting in across most financial sectors. But importantly, while some predicted that this uncertainty would cause house prices to tumble and property investors to flee the market, today’s research demonstrates that appetite for real estate as an investment asset has remained strong.

Check out the full article: Click here to view original web page at www.showhouse.co.uk

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