Landlords - Property Solutions

Property has always been considered a safe investment, as they say.. Safe as Houses.. 

Many investors decided to become Landlords to build a regular cash-flow income and watch the capital value of property grow over time. Some developed full time business, others more of a part time scenario to boost their retirement pension plan and perhaps use Management Companies to run them for a fee.  

Over the last twenty years there has been a definite growth, even with the dramatic dip in 2008, especially in London and the South. But recently the South has levelled off and major conurbations such as Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle have all seen steady growth in the last 10 years. 

Troublesome Changes

Whether you are a Professional or Part-time Landlord, or if you have found yourself an Accidental Landlord due to inheritance, over the last fee years, there have been a number of major changes by both the Inland Revenue and Local Government, which has had a major impact on the returns on property investments and in certain situations has meant certain properties are actually costing Landlords money to maintain their properties 

Some Of The Issues:

Section 24
Reduction on previous Tax Allowances
Article 4
Higher stress test criteria on new borrowing on buy to lets
Higher Stamp Duty on Second and more properties
More paperwork and administration
High Fines

In addition to the legal changes imposed by the authorities which add more administration and time, Landlords still have to deal with the day to day issues of running a property.

Late Rental Payments

Tenants start off on their best behaviour and all seems good, then, like with everyone else, life happens and if they start to suffer financial difficulties, resulting in rent being paid late or not at all. Things can eventually get worse and the relationship between Landlord and Tenant becoming tense and at some point it may result in the eviction process. Which and mean even more loss of rent. 

Demanding Tenants

You’ve advertised your property and interview several tenants. Eventually you find the ideal tenants who are professional have great references and appear to be responsible and will look after your property. However, you then get calls in the evening and weekend about relatively unimportant issues, such as:

“Light bulb gone in the bathroom”  
“Someone came in late last night and disturbed me”
“Council didn’t empty the bins”
“One of the tenants took my cereal from the cupboard”

Taking up your personal time and energy having to deal with these matters causing you unnecessary hassle and stress.

Unexpected Property Repair Costs

You’ve done your calculations and have calculated all the overheads and your income and you know what your returns are for each month all’s good. 

Then you get a call from a tenant.. “It seems we have a burst pipe there’s water all over the living room floor..” or “Fred left the bath running and flooded the bathroom and down the stairs..” Yes you may have insurance but you have to get the work done which comes directly out of your pocket and if you don’t have a contingency pot of funds, this can put a strain on your personal funds and could leave you out of pocket

Whatever your level of experience, there will always be problems and challenges that affect the way you run your property portfolio and can result in less earning for more stress.

If these are things you can relate to and you would like to make your life easier and stress free, then CONTACT US TODAYClick Here

• Would rental payments paid directly into your bank on the 1st Month every month, with no voids 100%        guaranteed, be helpful?
• Would, someone else dealing with the marketing and sourcing for tenants and providing all the relevant       paperwork on both entry and exit make life a little easier?
• Would not having to receive a single call from any tenants be a relief?
• How about not having to worry about any general maintenance on your property with the comfort of knowing       that the house will be well maintained, is that something that would help?

CONTACT US TODAY and have a completely confidential conversation with us to see what we can offer, to make your life less stressful, more peaceful and give you back all the time you want for family and fun – Click Here

Just drop us a few details and we’ll call to discuss how best we can help.

Our network consists of experienced property investors and Landlords who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. 
This knowledge helps us understand the issues Landlords are experiencing and creates a basis for working together to resolve any issues.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services to ensure a professional approach.

Solutions For Landlords

Complete the form below and we will
contact you to have a discreet discussion
potential solutions

Landlord FAQs

On this page, you will find answers to the most popular questions of our customers. Didn’t find what you need? Just send us a request.

Firstly we would discuss your particular property / ties. Then we would consider the local rental market situation and the condition of the property. We would then discuss price and terms which would be fixed for the duration of the contract, guaranteed and paid on the 1st of the month, including any potential void periods. From the moment we can agree on the deal it will take around 5 working days to complete our site visit and produce our report on the property, at which time, providing there are no issues flagged, we can confirm a start date and set up the standing order payment instructions with your bank.
Please feel free to contact us HERE for a confidential and informal chat to discuss what we can do you make your life easier.

We focus our attention of properties that are for corporate and non-corporate professionals and provide a high standard and comfortable accommodation, in order to attract individuals who stay long term and respect the property. In general we look for properties with 3 or more bedrooms, but in certain circumstances we may look a smaller premises. We can also look at properties that may need a certain amount of work to improve the rental possibilities. For a confidential private conversation, please feel free to contact us HERE to find out more. 

In all situations we have to comply with all legal requirements and ensure that the property is fully compliant. This means we may have to install Fire Doors and specialist Smoke Detectors. we may need to install smoke detectors and fire doors to your property. Any other structural changes that we consider would be beneficial we would discuss with you first for approval. At the end of the contract we would return the property back to it’s original state and presented back to you in good condition. To discuss this further please feel free to contact us HERE

No this is not necessary. However, if the property is already furnished or part furnished but we will assess the condition to see if it meets the criteria we set for our standards. For example if you had students or a family with children, the furniture may not be suitable for professional tenants. We would also attend to any reasonable amount of maintenance to bring the property up the high standard we require for our tenants and we also will maintain this over the course of the contract.  
To find out more please feel free to contact us HERE

RentzNet has a UK network of experienced and qualified managers that we can reach out to. This means we can consider any property in any location.
For free no obligation information contact us HERE

YES, this is something we would certainly consider. The process is relatively straight forward, we just use the same procedure for one property and roll that out over the other properties in your portfolio. So providing each of your properties fit with our criteria for properties of 3+ bedrooms, we would make you an offer to manage all of your properties, leaving you free from the general hassles associated with being a landlord. Knowing that you would be receiving a guaranteed rent every month for the length of the contract.
Contact us HERE for more information

If you presented us with a property that was fully up to code and needed absolutely no work and was fully furnished to our standards, then we would certainly consider this. However, this is very rare, so we generally don’t pay any deposits. The fact that when we take a property on we always carry out light refurbishments, install any items that bring the property up to code, such as fire alarms and fire doors, plus we carry out any repairs to fixtures and fittings and, in order to present the property to the highest standard to prospective tenants, we also dress the rooms. We also maintain this high standard throughout the length of the contract, which means you will receive the property back in great condition. 

YES… The fact is this rarely happens, but we guarantee your rent so irrespective of what our clients, all voids are our responsibility and will not impact on your payments on the 1st of the month.
Contact us HERE for more information

We DO NOT CHARGE FEES to the property owners and there are no hidden charges down the road. Our income is generated from relocation and sourcing clients that pay us to find high quality accommodation for their professional workers.
For more information contact us HERE

In most circumstances we work with professional working tenants. These tenants are often put forward by their employer. Therefore tenancy is linked to their jobs and so they are responsible for the care of the property and also their behaviour any breaches would not only affect their tenancy but also their job. We do let to non-corporate tenants. However, these are fully referenced and credit checked. In addition, we have regular inspections of the property from on of our team plus, we have a weekly cleaners and if required, gardeners, who are instructed to let us know if they see any issues that warrant a visit from us. This way we can keep the property in excellent condition. Except for certain circumstances, we do cater for families with children or pets.
Contact us HERE for more information

NEVER.. Once we have the management contract in place, everything to do with the tenants will be managed by us. We handle all the phone calls and deal with any issues that need to be resolved.
For you that means no hassles, no stress, no unexpected repair bills, no late night or weekend phone calls. All you do is receive your rental payments guaranteed, on the 1st of every month, for the length of the contract.
In addition and to bring you additional peace of mind we are a member of the official Property Redress Scheme. This means if anything goes wrong there is a form of Redress available to you.  

Contact us HERE for more information

NOT AT ALL.. RentzNet will take on all the management issues, problems and hassles associated with running the property, including taking care of all the normal landlord responsibilities too, such as gas safety certificates, PAT testing, EPC, fire safety and heat/smoke/carbon monoxide alarms, leaving you free from the stresses associated with being a landlord. Effectively you will not need to be involved at all, in fact you can carry on knowing everything is in hand, no concerns over missing rent, void periods, tenant management problems, maintenance issues etc, you can relax knowing you’ll receive guaranteed rent and leaving you with peace of mind.  
Contact us HERE for more information

Life can take unexpected turns and we appreciate that. All that we ask is that you provide us with enough warning so that we can find alternative accommodation for our residents. There are certain legal time frames we would normally have to adhere to, but we will endeavour to speed the process up to help. We would also have to review any monies we invested in upgrading your property and there may be a percentage of those costs that will need to be refunded. However, these percentages would be clearly set out in the agreement. 
Contact us HERE for more information

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